Collaborating Partners

Collaborating Partners

NCI Logo

National College of Ireland (NCI) is based in Dublin’s North-East Inner City (NEIC), an area at once synonymous for International Finance and Silicon Docklands, and with a history of high unemployment and poverty. Read more about NCI.


The Department of Policy (DoPo) is legally mandated to carry out the research to inform education policy formulation (Sub Decree No.156 issued by the Prime Minister of Cambodia). Read more about DoPo.

SBB Logo

SeeBeyondBorders (SBB) improves the quality of education in Cambodian government primary schools through evidence-based programmes, research and teacher development.  Read more about SBB.


Phnom Penh Teacher Education College (PTEC) has been established since 2017. It is envisioned to become the leading institution of teacher education in the twenty-first century. Read more about PTEC.


This project is funded by the Irish Research Council.

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