Video: Teacher reflections on the PIKT project

Video: Teacher reflections on the PIKT project

Over the past two years, 25 primary school teachers from the Battambang province of Cambodia have taken part in the Professional Identity for Khmer Teachers (PIKT) research project. Throughout this process, each teacher has focused on their own development, setting goals to enhance and develop their teaching practices.

PIKT teacher participant 

Listen to some of the teacher participants discuss how their teaching practices have evolved and were enhanced through the PIKT research project.

PIKT Teacher Professional Identity Workshop 2 

Now that data gathering has finished and the final workshop has been delivered, the PIKT research collaborators will shift focus to writing up and disseminating the project’s findings.

Find out more about the PIKT project by watching the PIKT research project video.

Alternatively, read the PIKT project video transcript.

This project is funded by the Irish Research Council.

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