


Detailed timeline

Time Task Activity
Q3 2022 Preparation for Data Round 1 

  • Recruitment of teacher-participants.
  • Instrument design:
    1. Observation Component Checklist,
    2. Structured Interview Questions,
    3. School Community Profile templates
  • Training of research assistants for data collection
Q1 2023

Gathering Field Data Round 1

  •  In-class observations in the field
  •  Teacher participant Interviews
  •  School and Community Profiles gathered
Q2 2023

Initial analysis of Data Round 1
Principal Investigator to visit Cambodia
Delivery of Teacher Professional Identity Workshop 1 

Research Seminar on Early Findings 

  • Initial analysis of field data to inform workshop design including ‘typical teacher profiles’
  • Development of first design iteration of teacher professional identity workshop and resources
  • Delivery of Professional Identity Workshop
  • Research Methods Seminar in Cambodia (at DoPo)
Q3 2023
Interim Report
  • Interim Report including further analysis of field data and workshop data
  • Feedback from policy (MoEYS) and partners
Q4 2023 Preparation for Data Round 2
  • Instrument design:
    1. Observation Component Checklist
    2. Semi-Structured Interview Questions
  • Training of research assistants for data collection

Q1 2024

Gathering Field Data Round 2 

Initial analysis of Data Round 2

Principal Investigator to visit Cambodia
Delivery of Teacher Professional Identity Workshop 1 

Research Seminar on Early Findings 

  • In-class observations in the field
  • Teacher participant Interview
  • Initial analysis of field data to inform workshop design 
  • Development of second design iteration of teacher professional identity workshop and resources
  • Delivery of Professional Identity Workshop 2
  • Resources to support a teacher community of practice
  • Final versions of the: Teacher Capability Framework
  • Delivery of the Teacher Professional Identity Workshops in PTEC to pre-service and in-service teacher groups
  • Seminar in PTEC to discuss indicative findings with a range of stakeholders from Cambodian teacher education
Q3 2024 Final analysis and write up
Final Report 

Published in English and Khmer

Irish Seminar Seminar on Challenges of Education in Cambodia at NCI including simultaneous launch of report in Ireland and Cambodia

This project is funded by the Irish Research Council.

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