NEWS: NCI’s Research Day 2024

NEWS: NCI’s Research Day 2024

On Tuesday June 18th, Professor Leo Casey and Deirdre Tinnelly presented the insights on Teacher Professional Identity in Cambodian schools to colleagues at National College of Ireland.

Research Day Image

Presentation Title: Insights on Teacher Professional Identity in Cambodian Schools 

The Professional Identity for Khmer Teachers (PIKT) study aims to understand and enhance the professional identity of early grade teachers in Cambodia. This project commenced in 2022 and is ongoing until early 2025. Emerging insights from recent fieldwork provides valuable information into teacher identity in Cambodia, alongside glimpses into what is currently happening in Cambodian Schools.

This design-based research study is based on a sample of 25 early grade teachers who were recruited as volunteer research participants. Data collection took place one year apart in 2023 and once again in 2024. This consisted of in-class observations, teacher interviews and ‘school and community’ profiles. From the data, two bespoke workshops on teacher professional identity were designed and delivered to the participant teachers.

NCI Research Day

Professor Leo Casey and Deirdre Tinnelly presenting the findings

The findings show that the early grade teachers in Cambodia regard their professional identity with a sense of passion, commitment, and resilience. Despite challenges such as limited resources, they enjoy their work and have no desire to leave the profession. According to the teachers, the PIKT workshops offered active participation, peer discussions, sharing of experiences, and new perspectives.

These insights can inform the design and implementation of future research, ultimately supporting the growth and development of teachers in Cambodia.

Find out more about the PIKT project by watching the PIKT teacher reflection video.

Find out more about the PIKT research approach

This project is funded by the Irish Research Council.

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